Deutsch Kurzhaar - News 2013-2022
October 2022
After 9 months of training in Germany with Hans Schmid, Karpaten Irbis Victoria got the following results:
Derby 1 (all 4s), Solms 1 (all 4s), VGP 1 322 points, HD A1, ED 0, OCD-Free.
16th of October 2019
IKP 2019 Osterhofen, Germany - Diva von den Donau-Wirbeln IKP 1, 136 points and 4h in search. Owner and trainer Thomas Unholzer.
Hora von den Donau-Wirbeln got AZP 3 and VGP 1 in Germany. Trainer Hans Schmid.
Karpaten Irbis Karin got Derby1, Solms 1, VGP3, Fv:SG2 in Germany. Trainer Thomas Unholzer.
In Canada, Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the AZP with a 1st prize. Owner and trainer Edie Stelkovics.
New pics of Hanna and Ambrosia-Amira hunting. Photos by Sandra Schindel.
25th of July 2018
New Grand Champion of Canada Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln, the first black colored dog in the breed to become Canadian Grand Champion. Amira is living with Dale and Sandra Schindel who also own Canadian Grand Champion Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln. We are very happy and proud!
5th of July 2018
In USA, Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln got the Field Dog Junior FDJ title.
We celebrated our oldest dogs recently, KS Conan Seehof turned 12 and Sophie vom Geestmoor turned 10. We wish and hope they stay healthy as long as possible.
14th of June 2018
In USA, Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby test with a 1st prize, a perfect score and 4h in search and 4h in pointing. Photos coming soon.
In Germany, Diva von den Donau-Wirbeln got V1 in adult class in the DK Niederbayern, under Mr. Michael Hammerer, President of the German and World DK Clubs.
In Canada, Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln is getting closer to her Grand Champion of Canada title by winning 3 more Best of Breeds and several points.
We entered 2 dog shows in Bucharest and got some nice results: Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln won Best of Breed and Best of Group in both shows and was Reserve Best in Show in the Intl Show while Hora von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Junior, Best Female and Best of Opposite Sex in both shows. Both are also qualified for Crufts 2019. Photos by the one and only Adi Stoicoviciu.
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln was also recently confirmed as International Beauty Champion by the FCI.
In USA, Albus von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the first leg towards his AKC Junior Hunter title.
17th of May 2018
In Germany, Diva von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby test with a 1st prize and perfect score.
Sherlock Holmes von den Donau-Wirbeln won Best Male and Best of Breed at the Hunting Dogs Specialty Show in Särevere, Estonia.
In South Africa, Heiko von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Junior Versatile Hunting Test with a 5 out of 4 in tracking (maximum score is 4 but 5 can be awarded for exceptionnal work).
Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln "Izzy" won Best Puppy in Breed and Winners Bitch at the Battle River Canine Association. She also had a great weekend in working where she passed 2 Legs on her Field Dog Junior and also placed 2nd in Open Puppy Trials.
J'Adore von den Donau-Wirbeln impressed her trainer in her first day with her tons of birdiness and desire.
James Bond von den Donau-Wirbeln is doing well with his hunting training in Kansas.
Igor von den Donau-Wirbeln is doing great in his home in Norway.
Our Sonja II Pottmes is looking great at the age of 9 years.
4th of February 2018
Gloriana von den Donau-Wirbeln hunting with Micah in Ohio, USA
2nd of February 2018
2018 started well for our offspring
Heiko von den Donau-Wirbeln won his first puppy titles in Pretoria, South Africa - Best puppy of breed and Reserve Best Puppy of Group
Eva von de Donau-Wirbeln "Izzy" won a few more points in the latest shows and has now 4 points in her Canadian Championship race.
Photos coming soon!
Also, Catrinel passed her exam for FCI Group 10 and is now allowed to judge FCI groups 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10.
18th of October 2017
We were both very honored to judge at the most important Deutsch Kurzhaar event of the year, the 28th Internationale Kurzhaarprüfung in Hungary. Catrinel judged females in Ring 3, together with Mr. Michael Hammerer, the President of the German DK Club and of the World DK Club, and with Mr. Sramek from Czech Republic. Didi judged Group number 6, together with Mr Gerd Schad, the Zuchtwart of the German Club and with Mr. Agoston Pomazi from Hungary.
We also have some great news from Canada where Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln became Canadian Champion.
In USA, Albus von den Donau-Wirbeln won 4 x Best of Breed and became International Champion.
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2 Best of Group, Best in Show and Supreme Best in Show at the Buzau Dog Shows.
In Slovakia, Godiva von den Donau-Wirbeln is training to become a search and rescue dog.
In Estonia, Sherlock Holmes von den Donau-Wirbeln is also having fun in agility, besides being a great hunting dog.
Apollo von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Solms with a 1st prize.
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Solms with a 2nd prize.
21st of August 2017
Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln won 4 more points in 2 different shows and now she is just 1 point away from her Canadian Champion title.
Diva von den Donau-Wirbeln was 2nd Junior Female in a strong class of 20 junior females in Austria at the 125 Years Jubilee Zuchtschau of the Austrian Kurzhaar Klub.
Bolivia von den Donau-Wirbeln became Romanian Junior Champion and Bulgarian Champion.
6th of June 2017
The young Donau-Wirbeln dogs did excellent again!
Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby in USA with a 1st prize and full points! Also, in the NADKC Zuchtschau she was the V1 female. Ambrosia-Amira also passed the VJP in Canada. And she got 2 more points in the Canadian Championship, so now she has 4/10 points. Thanks, Sandra and Dale, for the hard work with Amira.
Very young Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the VJP at the tender age of 6 months! Congrats, Edie, for the great job!
More photos of Hanna, Ambrosia-Amira and Eva von den Donau-Wirbeln
Chaplin von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the NADKC Derby with a 1st prize and perfect score and got a SG 2 in the youth class in the NADKC Zuchtschau. Congratulations, Robert!
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln did great in the Monografica of the Spanish Club of Deutsch Kurzhaar CEBA. He was Best Junior Male and Best Junior in Breed under Mrs Nadiege Grassart, breed specialist from France. With this win, Cosmo became Junior Champion of Spain. Cosmo also passed the Natural Abilities Test, being selected among the "Young Promissing Dogs".
26th of April 2017
Diva von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby in Germany and got Derby 1 Jugend at the age of 6 months with a perfect score. Congratulations to her owner and trainer Thomas for this great result for such a young dog.
Bolivia von den Donau-Wirbeln also passed the Derby in Germany and got Derby 1 with maximum points. Congratulations to his owner Georgi for the big effort to travel all the way from Bulgaria to Germany for the Derby.
Aquarius von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby in Germany and got Derby 1 with maximum points too. Congratulations to his owner Kyle and to his trainer Sarah for the great job.
Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln got a Derby 1 also.
Zephyr and Cricket von den Donau-Wirbeln became both AKC Junior Hunters. Congratulations to Brad and Brett!
Apollo von den Donau-Wirbeln won Best of Breed, Best of Group and Best in Show 3rd place in Mollina, Spain. Congratulatiosn to Josep and Macarena for this result!
Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln won Best of Winners and got the first 2 points in the Canadian Championship. Thank you Sandra and Dale for the great start in Amira's show career!
Drake and Dracula von den Donau-Wirbeln in their home in Florida. Thanks Bruce and Elaine for taking care of those 2 big babies :)
28th of March 2017
It was an excellent start of 2017 for the Donau-Wirbeln dogs around the world.
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln did great in all 3 Bucharest Shows and Medias dog show winning 4xCACL, 4xBest Male, 2xCACIB, 4xBest of Breed, 4xBest of Group 7 & Reserve Best in Show. He became Romanian Champion Cum Laudae, International Beauty Champion (pending confirmation) and Qualified for Crufts 2018.
Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln won in all 3 Bucharest Shows 3xCACL, 2xBest Female, 2xCACIB and became Romanian Champion Cum Laudae and Qualified for Crufts 2018.
Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xCACJ, 2xBest Junior, 1xBest Junior of Group 7 & 3rd place Junior Best in Show and Qualified for Crufts 2018. Photos soon...
Bolivia von den Donau-Wirbeln won CACJ, 1xBest Junior in Bucharest CACIB show.
In South Korea, Ariadna von den Donau-Wirbeln became Korean Champion.
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Derby in Spain with a 1st prize and perfect score. Cosmo also won in the 2 dogs shows in Granada he won 2xEx1, 2xCCJ, 2xBest Junior of Breed, 1xBest of Breed, RBOG Junior, RBOG, Best Junior of Group 7. He also won Junior BOG and Junior Best in Show Winner in Vigo, Spain.
Apollo von den Donau-Wirbeln also passed the Derby with a 1st prize and perfect score.
8th of February 2017
We were both awarded the 90 Years Anniversary Medal offered by the Romanian Kennel Club for cynological merits.
21st of January 2017
Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln
Canada Grand CH Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln
Apollo von den Donau-Wirbeln
20th of January 2017
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln was 2 times Junior Winner at the Porto Winner dog shows in Portugal and became Portuguese Junior Champion
At the same shows, Wau von den Donau-Wirbeln was the winner of the intermediate class.
14th of January 2017
25th of November 2016
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln and his tenebrosus pheasant
17th of November 2016
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln, pheasant season with Steve, Chris and Carly
Another fabulous weekend for Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln at the dog shows in Murcia, Spain. At the National Show he won Best Junior of Breed, Best Junior of Group 7, Best Junior in Show! At the International Show he won Best Junior of Breed, Best of Breed, Best Junior of Group 7 and Best of Group 7!
8th of November 2016
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln just became Canadian Grand Champion last weekend at the Red Deer, Alberta dog show. Congratulations to Hanna and Dale!
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xCCJ, 2xBest Junior in Breed and Reserve Best Junior Male in Show at the Braga dog shows in Portugal.
22nd of October 2016
Cosmo von den Donau-Wirbeln
Apollo von den Donau-Wirbeln was Gibraltar Puppy Winner at the Gibraltar Dog Show and also Best Puppy in Breed and Reserve Puppy Best of Group in Talavera de la Reina Dog Show. Also he started hunting training.
28th of September 2016
The 42nd Dr. Kleemann-Zuchtausleseprüfung in Laa an der Thaya, Austria has ended. 3 dogs bred by us were entered.
Nadja von den Donau-Wirbeln became the V3 female in the Zuchtschau (from 75 females) and became KS with a perfect score.
Ring judges: Mr. Michael Hammerer (Germany), Mrs. Anne Baumgarten (Germany) and Mr. Helmut Rosskopf (Austria)
Our Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln became V4 in the Zuchtschau (from 65 males). We had an excellent report from Mr. Francois Aldrich from USA:"This is a typical male dog, very good pigment, beautiful very typical male head, neck dry, clean, excellent topline, tailset & croup correct, angulation fore & back correct, underline is correct, his movement is extremely correct, this is a very nice male dog V Vorzuglich".
Ring judges: Dr. Francois Aldrich (USA), Dr. Marcel Krenz (Germany) and Mr. Wilhelm Sohst (Germany)
Finals judges: Mr. Michael Hammerer (Germany), Mr. Harald Beyer (Germany) and Johann Ecker (Austria)
Gundula von den Donau-Wirbeln was V in the Zuchtschau.
We are very glad that all 3 Donau-Wirbeln dogs were rated as Excellent under the most prestigious breed event judged by breed specialists, with Nadja and Paris being placed in the Top 5 in conformation of each gender.
Many thanks to the judges, supporters and owners. Photos by ourselves, Corinna Findling-Zolper and by Freigeist
9th of September 2016
River von den Donau-Wirbeln just won the "Most Versatile GSP" under Ottawa Valley Pointing Dog Club in Canada, obtaining 96/100 points. Congratulations, Kevin!
Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln passed her Natural Abilities Test at the age of 7 months. Congratulations, Sandra & Dale!
6th of August 2016
Hanna and Ambrosia-Amira von den Donau-Wirbeln riding grandpa's 1950 Ford Fordor
2nd of August 2016
Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln, 7 months old
24th of July 2016
Canadian CH Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln is getting closer to her Canadian Grand Champion title. Now she has 15 out of 20 necessary points. Congratulations Sandra and Dale!
20th of July 2016
Yoghurt von den Donau-Wirbeln got a 1st prize at the Natural Abilities test in Montana, USA. Well done
Rae and Steve!
Cashmere von den Donau-Wirbeln ran into the Natural Abilities test in Montana, USA, at the age of 5 months old. She got a 3rd prize, without any training, all due to her natural qualities. Thanks Cari and Craig!
It was a good year so far for Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln who won 6xCAC, 3xBOS, 4xBOB, Best of Group 1st place, Best of Group 3rd place and also passed the Derby twice with a 1st prize.
12th of July 2016
Our Sonja II Pöttmes at the age of 7 years
Yndia von den Donau-Wirbeln won CACJ (Junior Winner), Best Female and Best of Breed at her first dog show, under Mr. Cristian Stefanescu.
Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xBest Puppy and 3rd Place in Puppy Best in Show under Mr. Gerhard Pöllinger from Austria.
5th of July 2016
At the 4 shows in Bucharest, Tina von den Donau-Wirbeln won 3xCAC, CACIB, RCAC, RCACIB, BOB and Group 2nd. Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln won 4xBest Baby.
22nd of June 2016
CanCH Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln apport from the box training
1st of June 2016
KS Conan Seehof at the age of 10 years
Athena von den Donau-Wirbeln in her new home in Ohio, USA
11th of May 2016
CH Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln did great at the 2 International shows in Dortmund and is now just one step away from his German Champion title. In the first day V1, CAC, ResCACIB from Working class, the second day V1, CAC, CACIB and VDH Frühjahrssieger from Champions class. Many thanks to Leo Karduck, Paris's trainer while in Germany, to Anne Kamper and Lena Unger for handling our handsome boy.
23rd of April 2016
Tallulah von den Donau-Wirbeln, lead by her owner Josh Maaland, obtained Derby 1 with a perfect score in the USA under NADKC.
Unda von den Donau-Wirbeln, lead by her owner Carmen Gale, obtained Derby 1 with a perfect score in the USA under NADKC and SG3 in JugendKlasse under Mr Michael Hammerer (President of DKV) and Gerd Schad (Zuchtwart of DKV), both breed specialists from Germany.
In Ukraine, Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln, got 2 x Derby 1, under German and Ukrainian judges.
In Bulgaria, Victor von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the VJP under German judges with 70 points.
18th of March 2016
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln became Romanian Champion after the dog shows in Bucharest where he won 2xCACIB, BOB, BOG3. Some new photos of Paris by Adi Stoicoviciu
18th of January 2016
Tina von den Donau-Wirbeln
Victoria von den Donau-Wirbeln
Ulysses von den Donau-Wirbeln
Unda von den Donau-Wirbeln
5th of January 2016
Cynthia and Tosca von den Donau-Wirbeln
24 November 2015
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln - 22 months old
22 November 2015
Christel von den Donau-Wirbeln
Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln and Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln after successful hunting in Spain
9 November 2015
It was an amazing weekend for our Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln! He passed the Solms with a 1st prize (all 4's), passed the VGP with a 1st prize and 319 points and was the V1 male in the Zuchtschau of Klub Kurzhaar-Voran Weser-Ems in Germany! Congratulations to his trainer Klaus Oehlmann for leading Paris successfuly!
New photos of Emil vom Hege-Hof
In USA, Mina von den Donau-Wirbeln became AKC Junior Hunter!
Tallulah von den Donau-Wirbeln "Marley" hunting pheasants in Iowa, USA. Our friend Josh Maaland who owns Marley said: "This was her very first hunt today (opening day) she found and pointed all 3 and retrieved 2 of them. I am very proud of her!"
Nathan von den Donau-Wirbeln hunting in the USA
19 October 2015
Successful IKP 2015 for Donau-Wirbeln offspring
Nadja von den Donau-Wirbeln - IKP 1st Prize with perfect score and 4h for the live duck search, Excellent in Conformation and shortlisted in the last 7 females, RCACIT in the Schausuche! Beautiful photos by Katerina Lisova and Corinna Findling-Zolper
Gundula von den Donau-Wirbeln - IKP 1st Prize, Excellent in Conformation
At the International Show in Dortmund, our Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln won V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and BOG 3. Thank you, Leo, for handling our Paris!
In Lviv, Ukraine, Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xCACJ, 2xBOB, BOG 4 and BOG 2. Congratulations to her owner Natalia!
In New Jersey, USA, Vivi von den Donau-Wirbeln was SG 1 in the Zuchtschau. Congratulations to Jorge Pacheco!
In Szeged, Hungary, Ungaro von den Donau-Wirbeln won his first HPJ title.
11th of September 2015
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln made us proud again by getting and 1st Prize in the AZP under NADKC in Montana, USA with a perfect score of 4s and 4h for the field search. Thanks Dale and Sandra for all you do for Hanna!
Also it was a reunion of 3 Donau-Wirbeln dogs and their owners: Katinka and Dietrich von den Donau-Wirbeln owned by Rae and Steve Brown from USA and Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln owned by Dale and Sandra Schindel from Canada. Photos by Sandra Schindel.
In Idaho, Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln passed his Utility Test under NAVDHA and Tosca von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Natural Abilities test. Congratulations to Cynthia!
In Ukraine, Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln was 2nd in a class of 5 puppies under Mr. Michael Hammerer, President of the German Club. Congratulations to her lovely owner, Natalyia!
"Very elegant, very nice head, teeth normal, very good muscles, nice topline and underline, harmonic movement, very good angulated rear and front"
Stratis from Greece visited us to pick up his puppy Xalvadora von den Donau-Wirbeln.
And Marko from Finland visited us to pick up his new hunting partner Xanthus von den Donau-Wirbeln.
We wish them both good luck with the new family members!
1st of September 2015
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Utility Test and added one more title to her name becoming Can Ch. Hanna Von Den Donau Wirbeln NA, UPT, UT
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln training with the fox in Germany
Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln training with the duck in USA
14th of August 2015
Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln, apport training.
Rania von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Natural Abilities test with a 1st prize. Congratulations to her owner Cari and Craig from Montana, USA.
Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln obtained 1st and 4th place in Best Puppy in Show competition at the dog shows in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Well done, Natalia!
28th of July 2015
Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln - apport training
Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln - apport training
Ursula von den Donau-Wirbeln pointing pheasants in the UK. Ursula with her hunting partners, the Peregrine Falcons.
24th of July 2015
Urania von den Donau-Wirbeln in Kansas - USA
22nd of June 2015
Our Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln was SG 1 (maximum rating and best ranking for this age) in the youth male class at the Zuchtschau of DK Klub Rheinland in Germany. Thank you, Leo Karduck, for handling our boy in the Zuchtschau.
Nadja von den Donau-Wirbeln obtained V1 and ResCAC at the Special Zuchstchau of DK Diepholz in Germany. Nadja was beautifully handled by young Lotta Hensel.
Can CH Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln is only one step away from her Field Dog title. She just passed 2 of 3 legs. Congratulations and thanks to her owners, Sandra and Dale!
11th of May 2015
Great news from Spain where Frieda and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln were the 1st and 2nd in Open class at the CEBA Monografica, under Mr Michael Hammerer, President of the DKV and DK specialist judge. It's the forth CEBA Monografica in a row where dogs bred by us did great under German specialist judges :) Congrats to Carlos and Cristina, the owners of Juliet and Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Ulysses von den Donau-Wirbeln, 5 months old, training in USA
River von den Donau-Wirbeln, Best Puppy in Breed at his first Canadian show
8th of May 2015
Velvet Black von den Donau-Wirbeln, 4 months old, living in Ukraine
12th of April 2015
Best gift from the Easter Bunny: Derby 1 with full points for our Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln, in Germany under Rheinland Kurzhaar Klub.
10th of April 2015
Legolas von den Donau-Wirbeln became AKC Junior Hunter
Fun hunt for Cynthia and JH Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln
Silvanus von den Donau-Wirbeln in Moscow, Russia
15th of March 2015
Carlos hunting in Spain with Frieda, Juliet and Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln
11th of March 2015
Steve hunting with Katinka and Dietrich von den Donau-Wirbeln in Montana, USA.
Double Best of Breed for CH Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln at the shows in Bogota in February.
9th of February 2015
Quartz von den Donau-Wirbeln in South Korea
Saturnus von den Donau-Wirbeln in South Korea
Odile von den Donau-Wirbeln won 1st Place at the Kansas State Quail Championship and 3rd place at the Kansas State Championship
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln duck hunting in California with Chris
Notus von den Donau-Wirbeln on point (Texas, USA)
Mondlicht von den Donau-Wirbeln became Russian and RKF Champion after winning BOB and BOG 2 at the CACIB shows in Perm, Russia.
Moritz and Natascha von den Donau-Wirbeln became Asia Pacific and Asian Champions after their multiple wins in the Philippine Circuit 2015 last month.
27th of January 2015
Pippa von den Donau-Wirbeln
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln
2nd of January 2015
Sissi von den Donau-Wirbeln
Odile von den Donau-Wirbeln
10 years old Karpaten Irbis Arwen Evenstar and 4 years old Clementine von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln bow hunting with Chris, Carly backing them.
Quickstep von den Donau-Wirbeln at duck hunting
10 years old Karpaten Irbis Arwen Evenstar after several successful pheasant hunts.
Ingolf von den Donau-Wirbeln after grouse hunting
Lord von den Donau-Wirbeln, hunting in Spain
Legolas von den Donau-Wirbeln, first ribbon for his AKC junior hunter title
Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln became International Champion. Congratulations to his owner Cynthia!
Eberhard von den Donau-Wirbeln "Viggo" became Canadian Champion. Congratulations to Anie for handling Viggo and to Marie-Christine, his owner.
Ingolf von den Donau-Wirbeln had a great hunting expedition with his owner Pekka and his DK friend, Foggy, in Finland. Pekka is very happy with Ingolf:
"Hi Cati,
I have had very nice hunting season this year with Ingolf (c. 40 real hunting days). He is already very good working dog with really reliable pointings and good nose, searching is about 200m to the left and 200m to the right from me on open mountains and he can do it for one week long days. Strong and eager dog ! We have already been shooting tens of grouses from his pointings. I'm very satisfied with Ingolf :) "
River von den Donau-Wirbeln arrived in his forever home in Canada.
This year we were both invited to judge at the Kleemann Prufung in Germany. Full article here
At the National Dog Show in Pitesti, Romania, Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln was the Best of Breed and Best of Group winner, only 3 weeks after she weaned her babies. Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Puppy in Show.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln hunting pheasants and ruffed grouses in Canada.
Nathan von den Donau-Wirbeln hunting in USA.
Maximilian von den Donau-Wirbeln won CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed and Qualified for Crufts 2015 at the International Dog Show in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The next day he had a successful hunting with his owner.
New photos of Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln training in field and water.
Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln became AKC Junior Hunter. Very happy with the results of the Lebeau-Cynthia team!
New photos of Moritz and Natascha von den Donau-Wirbeln, from the Philippines, together with their owner Richard
New photos of Emil vom Hege-Hof
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln at the age of 5 months
We attended 2 dog shows in Constanta, Romania and our girls did great:
Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xCAC, CACIB and 2x Best Female and was in both shows the Best of Breed Winner. In the CACIB show she was placed 3rd in the Best of Group contest. She is also qualified for Crufts 2015.
Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln won 2xCAC and RCACIB and Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln won CACJ and Best Junior of Breed and qualified for Crufts 2015.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln - field and water training with Dale and Sandra in Canada.
Peter Pan and his sister Pippa von den Donau-Wirbeln training in WA, USA
Great news from Germany where Nadja von den Donau-Wirbeln has got Derby 1 with all 4's and was SG 1 in junior class out of 12 junior females in the Zuchtschau. Congratulations to Holger and his daughter Lotta!
Other fantastic news came from USA where Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln got Derby 1 with all 4's and was also the V1 female in the Zuchtschau under NADKC. Congratulations to Rae!
Olympia von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the NA test under NAVHDA with a 1st prize and 110/112 points. Congratulations to Don and Scott for the result!
Pippa von den Donau-Wirbeln is now living in WA, USA, together with Olympia and her littermate Peter Pan von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owner Scott.
At the dog show in Targoviste, Romania, Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln won Ex 1, CAC, Best of Breed and Best of Group and Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln won Ex 1, CAC. Judge Mr. Cristian Stavarache from Romania.
Great results from Valladolid, Spain, at the Monografica of the Spanish DK Club where Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln was placed as the 2nd Excellent female in a big class of 18 junior females (only 2 Excellent awarded) under breed specialist judge from Germany Mr Wolfgang Casper. Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln was Very Promissing 2 in Puppy class under Mr Wolfgang Casper and also passed the Natural Abilities Test with an excellent report under Mr. Jose Daniel from Spain. Juliet, Frieda and Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln are living the beautiful family of Carlos, Cristina, Alex and Irina.
New photos of Pedra and Petra von den Donau-Wirbeln, both living in the loving family of Pedro from Santiago de Chile.
Poirot von den Donau-Wirbeln, living in Mexico, and his owner Caro. Couldn't be happier with the wonderful homes these babies have.
Pepita von den Donau-Wirbeln, in Illinois, USA.
4 of our babies have arrived safe and sound to their new families across the Atlantic Ocean.
Peter Pan von den Donau-Wirbeln is now living in Washington, USA, together with Scott and Suzette and their other Shorthairs. Here he also met his auntie Olympia von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Pepper von den Donau-Wirbeln is in Austin, Texas, together with Jose and his beautiful family. Jose is also the owner of Heidi von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Pepita von den Donau-Wirbeln is in Illinois, together with Jon and his wife. - Photos of Pepita will be posted soon.
Poirot von den Donau-Wirbeln is in Toluca, Mexico, owned by Alfredo Cruz.
We returned very happy after a successful Derby test in Germany at DK Diepholz. Our group was formed of 3 Donau-Wirbeln dogs: Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln, Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln and Karol von den Donau-Wirbeln and all of them passed the exam with a 1st prize and maximum points.
Focus and Ingrid von den Donau-Wirbeln, waterfowl hunt with their owner Renato.
Olympia von den Donau-Wirbeln, training with Scott in Washington - USA
Gundula and Galatea von den Donau-Wirbeln after a pheasant hunt with their owner Dan.
Olympia von den Donau-Wirbeln, training with Scott - Washington, USA
Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln at the age of 1 year and training with his owner Cynthia - California, USA
Ljuba von den Donau-Wirbeln at the age of 1 - Idaho, USA
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln, Best of Opposite Sex in Bogota, Columbia
Heidi von den Donau-Wirbeln "Moka", trained in Mexico by Ramon Foyo - Retriever Dog School, owned by Jose Rosillo.
Heidi von den Donau-Wirbeln pointing quails.
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln "Sammie" at hunting - wild pheasant hunt and duck hunting at sunrise with his partner Chris
At the Wuhan Dog Show in November 2013, Hermelin von den Donau-Wirbeln won CC and Best of Opposite Sex and Hubertus von den Donau-Wirbeln won CC, Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best in Group 1st place.
Some photos of Hermelin, Hubertus and Noa von den Donau-Wirbeln, all 3 living in People's Republic of China.
Focus von den Donau-Wirbeln, owned and trained by Mario Renato Bicer, retrieving a coot.
In Perm, Russia, Mondlicht von den Donau-Wirbeln got his first titles in junior class: Best Junior Male and Best Junior in Breed. Also some pics of Mondlicht "swimming" through the big snow in Russia.
Karpaten Irbis Arwen Evenstar (left), at the age of 9 years old, after another successful hunt with her owner and our good friend Josh from Iowa, USA.
Great results obtained by our offspring living in the Philippines during the Philippine Circuit Dog Show 2014. Both Moritz von den Donau-Wirbeln (9 months old) and Natascha von den Donau-Wirbeln (6 months old) became Azerbaijan Champion, Costa Rica Champion, Cyprus Champion, El Salvador Champion, Moldova Champion, Montenegro Champion & Philippine Champion. When they are not busy with other activities, Natascha and Moritz enjoy their daily swimming routine in Richard's pool.
Emil vom Hege-Hof just arrived! With an impressive record and an excellent pedigree, we have high expectations from him in our breeding programme. More photos and info will follow soon.
Lord von den Donau-Wirbeln, in Spain
Winterfun with Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln and her friends in snowy Canada
Odette von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owners in Moscow - Russia
Olympia von den Donau-Wirbeln in Washington, USA
Ostara von den Donau-Wirbeln in Cyprus
Odile von den Donau-Wirbeln in her new home in Iowa, USA
More good news and photos of our offspring around the world.
At the international show in Barcelona, Spain, Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln won Ex1, CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed, Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln won Ex1 and Best Junior Female and Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Baby of Breed. All are owned by Carlos Calandria Pascual.
Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln training in Spain.
Ozana von den Donau-Wirbeln training in Cyprus, with Ali Ozduran.
Odette von den Donau-Wirbeln, in Moscow, Russia.
Karpaten Irbis Arwen Evenstar "Emily" after a pheasant hunt with Josh in Iowa, USA.
Dietrich von den Donau-Wirbeln "Emmett" and Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln "Kati" hunting with Rae and Steve in the beautiful scenery of Montana, USA.
Mondlich von den Donau-Wirbeln, living in Perm, Russia.
Last month in the Philippines, Moritz von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best of Group and Natascha von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Baby Puppy in Group.
Mina von den Donau-Wirbeln, 7 months old, hunting in Texas USA.
Elsa von den Donau-Wirbeln retrieving ducks. Owned by Jose Octavio Garcia in Spain.
Pheasant hunting with Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln and his young owner Chris and Chris's young hunting partners in California, USA.
Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln had her first hunting experience last weekend. Although she is just a baby and it was more like fun, Carlos was very happy with her reaction to the gunshots and first interaction with freshly shot game. Her older half-sisters Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln had a successful hunting season together with Carlos and his hunting partner.
Odessa von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owner Umut and his son Aren and Ondine von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owner Hasan, both living in Cyprus now.
It was a big joy for us to receive the photo of Karpaten Irbis Arwen Even Star and her great owner Josh, after a beautiful pheasant hunt. Arwen Even Star is 9 years old and living in Iowa, USA.
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln and Chris - Phesant season opening in California, USA
Odette von den Donau-Wirbeln arrived perfectly in Moscow, Russia. Some pics of Odette from her first day in her new home, together with her owner Ilya.
On the 1st of November 2012 Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln arrived in Canada in the home of Dale and Sandra. She was a cute little baby that integrated quickly in her new family. One year later, on the 1st of November 2013, Hanna obtained 3 more points and Best of Winners in the Red Deer Kennel Club dog show and became Canadian Champion.
Octavia von den Donau-Wirbeln joined her new family in Barcelona, Spain. She is now living with the beautiful family of Carlos and also with her older half-sisters Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Ingolf von den Donau-Wirbeln and his friend Foggy during hunting trips in Finnish Lapland.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln during two beautiful pheasant hunts in Canada.
Ozana von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owner Ali, living in Cyprus.
Nougat von den Donau-Wibeln with his young owners in Finland.
More news about youngsters bred by us and living around the world.
Gundula von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the VGP with a 1st prize and 313 points last weekend in Germany.
At the CEBA Monografica Spain Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln passed the Natural Abilities test. Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln was 2nd Excellent in a class of 11 females of which only 2 got Excellent qualification, under breed specialists Gerd Schad and Marcel Krenz from Germany.
Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln and Carly at the duck season opening in California, USA.
Moritz von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Puppy of Group last month in the Philippines.
Legolas von den Donau-Wirbeln training in New York, USA.
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Puppy of Group at Sicalam Dog Show in Colombia.Congratulations for Luis and his family for the results!
Videos from IKP 2013 in Czech Republic from the group for which Petru Didi was a judge.
Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln, bred and owned by us and trained and lead by Petru Didi, passed the AZP test with a 1st prize in Germany, under DK Diepholz.
Nadja von den Donau-Wirbeln and her new family from Germany.
Gundula von den Donau-Wirbeln got a Solms 1st prize with a perfect score in Germany under DK Diepholz.
Noa von den Donau-Wirbeln and her owner Wei LV from People's Republic of China.
Our 4 young girls had a great quail season this year. Below photos of all of them pointing quails.
Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln - 8 months old
Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln - 10 months old
Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln - 2 years
Christel von den Donau-Wirbeln - 2 years and 8 months
Very successful weekend for CH, MBIS Eberhard Von Den Donau-Wirbeln FDJ NA "Viggo" owned by Marie-Christine Durocher from Canada and handled beautifully as always by Anie Goossens. Viggo was entered in four dog shows and obtained 3xCACS, 1xCACSC, 4xBest of Breed, 3xGroup 1st, 1xGroup 2nd, 1xBest in Show, 1xReserve Best in Show and Best of the Best in Show. With those CACS he became FCI Champion. Viggo was judged by 3 judges from France and 1 from Slovenia that also chose him as the Best of Best in Show Winner, Viggo being considered "SPECTACULAR"!
Mika from Finland visited us in order to pick up his new puppy Nougat von den Donau-Wirbeln. It was a very nice day spent together with an old friend that shares the same passions as us
New photo of Moritz von den Donau-Wirbeln that is now living in the Philippines with his new owner Richard.
Our Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln - apport training
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln - apport training with rabbit in Canada
Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln - training in California, USA
Elsa von den Donau-Wirbeln and Octavio, after a successful quail hunting - in Spain.
Yesterday I received an email with great news from Canada, from Sandra and Dale, the owners of Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln.
"Hanna has some more good news for you. Yesterday she passed her NAVHDA NA with a prize 1, perfect score of 112. Hanna did amazing. Pointed two birds and was steady to the flush, returning to heal position beside Dale, and following his re-direction after each one. She tracked the pheasant like a pro, and returned with it to hand. Dale managed to keep her enthusiastic water entry to a minimum, but she still outshone the other competitors in her determined entry into the water. Both bumpers were returned to Dale and presented to him with a sit in front. Ms Hanna impressed the judges so much that the senior judge actually came up to Dale after the scores were announced and asked if he could buy Hanna from us. The answer was a most resounding NO, but it was flattering to be asked. I thought Dale’s shirt buttons were going to pop he was so proud of her."
Frieda and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln - field training in Spain.
It was an excellent weekend for Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln who won a 3 points Best of Winners and 2xBest Puppy in Breed (under breeder judge Mrs. Sandy Alexander). Now Hanna has 7/10 points in the Canadian Championship. Congratulations to her loving owners Sandra and Dale Schindel from Canada. Some pics of Hanna's successful weekend:
Helga vom den Donau-Wirbeln - apport training in the Netherlands
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln - 11 months old - field training in Canada
Fabiola von den Donau-Wirbeln - V1 in Altersklasse in DK Südwest, Germany.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln- Best Puppy and Reserve Winners in Canada at Springbank Park show organised by Evelyn Kenny Kennel and Obedience Club. Congratulations to Hanna and Sandra!
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Puppy of Breed and Best Puppy of Group at the dog show in Pereira, Colombia.
Frederick von den Donau-Wirbeln "Freddie" enjoying Inchydoney Beach waters, in Ireland.
Our M-puppies started to go to their new families.
Mina von den Dona-Wirbeln is now living in Texas, USA.
Minerva von den Dona-Wirbeln is in Minsk, Belarus.
Maximilian von den Dona-Wirbeln is in the Republic of Moldova.
Fabiola von den Donau-WirbelnV1 in Altersklasse |
Galatea von den Donau-WirbelnV1 in Altersklasse |
Gundula von den Donau-WirbelnSG2 in Jugendklasse |
Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln: CAC, Best Female, Best of Breed
Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln: Best Puppy of Breed, Best Puppy of Group VII
Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln: CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Best of Breed
Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln: Best Puppy of Breed
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln - hunting training in Canada.
Christel von den Donau-Wirbeln - training in hunting off-season.
Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln - field and water training in Montana, USA.
New photos of Kastor and Kondor at the age of almost 5 months.
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln - Colombia
Kondor von den Donau-Wirbeln - Michigan, USA
Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln, in Spain, pointing in the rain.
Last weekend at the show in Vic (Barcelona), Spain, Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Females and Best of Breed and Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln was Best Puppy of Breed and Best Puppy of Group 7.
Last weekend at the dog show in Arnhem, the Netherlands, Helga von den Donau-Wirbeln "Sophia" was 1st in her class.
Today, Helga was again 1st in junior class at the Dutch Kurzhaar Club Jubileum Championship Club Match in Lochem, under breed specialist judge, Mr Rene Gerlet from France, with a very positive report.
Last weekend I was invited to judge the annual zuchtschau of the DK Diepholz in Germany. It was an honour to judge the breed we own and raise in the native country of the Deutsch Kurzhaar.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln, 8 months old, training in Alberta, Canada together with her doggy friends Cruise and Phoenix.
New photos of Ingolf von den Donau-Wirbeln from the hunting & fishing trip of Pekka, Petra, Foggy and Ingolf in Lapland, Finland.
Last week, Luna von den Donau-Wirbeln joined the family of Joyce Lisowe from Wisconsin, USA. Joyce is also the owner of 8 years old Karpaten Irbis Athelas.
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln, living in Bogota, Colombia with the parents of Luis and with his GSP girlfried Arrow .
Eberhard von den Donau-Wirbeln "Viggo"got his first 5 points major & Winners Dog at the New England Sporting Group Association Show in the USA. Congratulations to Anie Goossens for handling Viggo so professionnaly and also to Marie-Christine, Viggo's owner.
Ljuba von den Donau-Wirbeln, 10 weeks old in Idaho.
Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln "Kati" at the age of 3 1/2 months, training in Montana USA.
Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln got a 1st prize at the Derby with maximum points and she was the 2nd best dog in the Derby.
In the Monografica of the Club Espanol del Braco Aleman, Frieda was the winner of the Open Class.
The judges for the Derby and Monografica were Prof Herbert Lemmer, president of the DKV and Mr Franz Penker from Germany.
Congratulations to her owner Carlos Calandria Pascual for the results!
Lobelia von den Donau-Wirbeln landed yesterday in Chicago and is now living in Michigan together with Tresha Davis and her beautiful family. Karpaten Irbis Diana's Moon "Elsie" will be Lobelia's friend and hunting partner. Photos of Kai, Tresha's son, few minutes after Lobelia arrived to them.
Ljuba von den Donau-Wirbeln and Hannah.
3 more babies from our "L" litter arrived safe and sound last night to their new owners in the USA.
Ljuba von den Donau-Wirbeln and her young owner Hannah Powell.
Legolas von den Donau-Wirbeln is now living in Staten Island, New York. Photo of Legolas and his new young friend Jacqueline, Frank's daughter.
Lebeau von den Donau-Wirbeln joined the family of Cynthia from San Francisco Bay area.
Last weekend Fabiola von den Donau-Wirbeln got a Derby 1 with maximum points in Germany. Fabiola is owned by Danut Mocanu and trained and lead by Mr. Herbert Heilmann.
Lord von den Donau-Wirbeln is now living in Spain. Some photos of Lord and his new doggy friends and the lovely daughter of Joaquin.
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln, living with Luis and Alejandra and Arrow in Bogota, Colombia.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln participated at the Red Deer Dog Shows in Canada and won 2xWinners Female, 2xBest of Winners, 2xBest Puppy in Breed, 2xBest of Breed and obtained 4 points in the Canadian Championship. Congratulations to Sandra and Dale, Hanna's loving family!
Petru Didi Antonovici was honoured to judge the Derby in Germany. Beautiful testing day with excellent dogs and fields rich in game, both pheasants and hares.
New pics of our K litter babies in their new homes, at the age of 3 months.
Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln "Kati" first NAVHDA training, in Montana USA. And a pic of Kati and Dietrich von den Donau-Wirbeln "Emmett" in Rae's and Steve's home.
Kondor von den Donau-Wirbeln "Gunner", living in Michigan, USA.
Kandis von den Donau-Wirbeln, living in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Kastor von den Donau-Wirbeln, freshly arrived in Bogota, Colombia. Having a great new family with Luis and Alejandra and their GSP girl Arrow.
Last weekend 2 of the sisters from G litter passed the Derby in Germany with 1st prize and maximum points. Gundula and Galatea von den Donau-Wirbeln are owned by our friend Danut Mocanu and are trained by Aike Brahms and Karl Friedrich Mahlmann from Germany
Beautiful winter photos of Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln, living in Canada with Sandra and Dale.
Hanna participated to her first dog shows last weekend and she was Best of Opposite Sex in both shows.
Duna von den Donau-Wirbeln, 20 months old, in Denmark.
New pictures of Juliet (3 1/2 months) and Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln (18 months) during training in the field, owned by Carlos from Barcelona - Spain.
Frieda and Juliet are doing also great in the show ring. Today at the International Show in Girona Frieda won Ex 1, CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed. Juliet was Best Baby of Breed.
I'Otti von den Donau-Wirbeln, at the age of 4 months.
Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln, 3 months old, living in Barcelona - Spain.
After a long flight to Seattle and another long drive to Montana, Katinka von den Donau-Wirbeln arrived in her new home. She will be living with Rae, Stephan, Dietrich von den Donau-Wirbeln and their other GSPs!
Some photos of Karpaten Irbis Diana's Moon "Elsie" from this hunting season in Michigan, USA.
Karol von den Donau-Wirbeln is the first puppy from "K" litter that has moved with his new family: Ana and Danut. Karol will be sharing his home with Gundula, Galatea and Fabiola von den Donau-Wirbeln.
5 puppies of "K" litter enjoyed the first sunny and warm day after a long and rainy winter.
Frederick von den Donau-Wirbeln "Freddie" hunting snipe in Ireland.
Ingrid von den Donau-Wirbeln in her new family, with the children of Mario Renato and also with her older half-brother Focus von den Donau-Wirbeln.
Helga von den Donau-Winbeln (the Netherlands) at the age of 6 months.
Juliet von den Donau-Wirbeln is now living in Spain with the beautiful family of Carlos and also with her older half-sister Frieda von den Donau-Wirbeln
Jurgen von den Donau-Wirbeln and his new family from Cyprus
Beautiful photos of our offspring in action.
Hanna von den Donau-Wirbeln (5 months old), living in Canada with Dale and Sandra, had a great bird training day.
Hanna's brother, Hamlet von den Donau-Wirbeln "Sammie", had a great hunting together with his partner, young junior hunter, Chris. It was the first goose for both Chris and "Sammie". Really proud of this young promissing team.
Meanwhile Ingolf von den Donau-Wirbeln is facing the harsh winter in Finland, while indoors he is busy playing with his older friend Foggy.