Possible colors in our litters
The illustrations below belong to the Deutsch Kurzhaar book, written by Mrs. Georgina Byrne from Australia. This is the most complete book on the breed.
You can order the book directly from this website.
The information below is based on the Chapter 12 of the above mentioned book, and tries to explain in a simplified way what colors can we expect for the puppies born in our kennel, depending on the parents' colors.
There are some general rules of colors in genetics of the Deutsch Kurzhaars:
- ticked dogs carry only the gene for ticked patterns (ticked dogs are all non-solid colored dogs, no matter how light or dark the background is)
- liver dogs carry only the gene for liver color
- from 2 liver parents there cannot be black puppies
- from 2 ticked parents there cannot be solid colored puppies
- Solid is dominant over ticked
- Black is dominant over liver
The table below shows what colors our dogs are carrying
The dog color is the apparent color, while the color in the circle is the one carried by the dog
Liver ticked
Our dogs Sophie vom Geestmoor - 8 years old now, retired from breeding in 2016 CH Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln They carry only the gene for liver color and ticked (non-solid). This means that they can only produce liver ticked puppies, even if they come from solid colored parents (as Irbis).
Solid liver that carry the liver ticked gene
Lorelei de Valcreole - 9 years old now, retired from breeding in 2014 Emil and Lorelei carry the gene for solid liver color and liver ticked (non-solid). This means that they can produce solid liver or liver ticked puppies.
Black ticked that carries the gene for liver ticked
CH Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln CH Christel von den Donau-Wirbeln Paris, Sonja, Christel, Tina, Zonja and Hora can produce both black ticked and liver ticked puppies as they carry the gene for both colors.
Black ticked, dominant for Black
Katja is dominant for black color, meaning that she will only produce black colored (no liver) puppies, no matter the color of the other parent. She resulted from the mating of 2 Black-ticked parents and the dominance for Black was confirmed after she had the first litter (litter T, consisting of 6 black-ticked pups).
Below some color examples using photos of puppies born in our kennel, in various litters.
Litter of pups with all 4 basic colors
Liver-ticked - combination of white and liver hairs, in various proportions:
- white background with light liver ticking, with our without patches
- white background moderately liver ticked, with our without patches
- white background heavily liver ticked, with our without patches
- liver/white roan, with our without patches
Black-ticked - combination of black and white hairs, in various proportions
- white background with light black ticking, with our without patches
- white background moderately black ticked, with our without patches
- white background heavily black ticked, with our without patches
- black/white roan, with our without patches
Solid Liver - solid liver background, with or without ticked markings on feet & chest
Solid Black - solid black background, with or without ticked markings on feet & chest
The table below shows the possible colors of the puppies. We only did this for dogs owned by us. Sometimes we may use dogs that are owned by others.
The table shows only the legitimately possible outcomes of the matings, meaning that no other colors are possible. It doesn't necessarily mean that all possible will occur, only that no other colors than listed are/were possible.
The table contains past litters and also possible future litters of our dogs.
Sire | Dam | Possible colors |
KS Conan Seehof | Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln | Black-ticked |
KS Conan Seehof | Sonja II Pottmes | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
KS Conan Seehof | Lorelei de Valcreole | Solid Liver + Liver-ticked |
KS Conan Seehof | Sophie vom Geestmoor | Liver-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln |
Solid Liver + Liver-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln | Solid Liver + Liver-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Christel von den Donau-Wirbeln | Solid Liver + Solid Black + Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Sonja II Pottmes | Solid Liver + Solid Black + Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Sophie vom Geestmoor | Solid Liver + Liver-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln | Solid Black + Black-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Tina von den Donau-Wirbeln | Solid Liver + Solid Black + Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Emil vom Hege-Hof | Karpaten Irbis Karin | Solid Liver + Liver-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Sonja II Pottmes | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Sophie vom Geestmoor | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Tina von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Paris von den Donau-Wirbeln | Karpaten Irbis Queen of the Night Luna | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Katja von den Donau-Wirbeln | Black-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Elke von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Irbis von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Tina von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Zonja von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Karpaten Irbis Karin | Liver-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Karpaten Irbis Queen of the Night Luna | Liver-ticked |
Vinnie vom Riverwoods | Hora von den Donau-Wirbeln | Liver-ticked + Black-ticked |