CH Brus

CH Brus


male, 22nd of February 1995 - 22 September 2005

Breeder: Alexandru Ionescu

Owner: Catrinel Pauna, Bucharest--Romania

Titles: Romanian Champion, Romanian Champion Cum Laudae, 2xRPJ, 15xCAC, 7xRCAC, 1xCACIB, 2xRCACIB, 9xBOB, 6xBOG, Veteran BIS

Brus was our first dog. He was bought by my mother when I was 15 because I wanted a dog so much. Thanks to him I started to love this wonderful breed. He made our life more beautiful.... He crossed the rainbow bridge on a cold autumn night but he will stay in our hearts forever...

deutsch kurzhaar Brus

CH Brus


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