Kleemann 2010
39th Dr. Kleemann Zuchtauslese Prufung 2010
We had a great time the last week watching the most important breed competition. The 39th Dr. Kleemann Zuchtauslese Prufung took place in Zisterdor, Austria, between the 23rd and 26th of September. We met again some of our friends that share the same passion as we do and we had the chance to see beautiful and good working dogs.
The Zuchtschau took place on the sports grounds of Zisterdorf in the first day of the Kleemann, and the working tests (both water and field) took place on hunting grounds rich in game (hares, roe-deers, pheasants, quails) around the city of Zisterdorf.
Two daughters of our beloved and unfortunately gone to soon CH Irbis vom Hege-Haus became KS. Congratulations to their top-class leaders Mr. Klaus Bommers and Mr. Leo Karduck. Irbis was the first Hege-Haus imported in Romania.
Some pics from this event: